New Smile App: Loox

As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” When it comes to creating social proof with customer reviews, this couldn’t be more true! Since shoppers want to see what your product looks like in real life, photo reviews become your most powerful tool for convincing them of the quality of your brand.

Give your customers a reason to add photos to their reviews with Loox — the latest Smile App that encourages valuable social proof with rewards.

How it works

Connecting your Loox account to Smile couldn’t be easier! Go to the apps section of your Smile Admin, select the Loox app, and click “install.”

Once your Loox account is connected to Smile, you can begin to reward your customers for adding images to their product reviews. Whether it’s through automated post-purchase emails or on any of your product pages, Loox makes it easy for customers to leave reviews.

How to use

Now that your Loox account is connected to Smile, it’s time to start rewarding customers for sharing their experiences with your products through photo reviews! To do this, it’s as simple as creating an earning rule in the points section of your Smile program.

Set how many points a member earns

Deciding how many points a photo review is worth is the most important step in setting up your earning rule. You want to build a reciprocal relationship where your customer feels like you provide fair compensation for their actions.

Although the amount of points you award for each photo review is up to you, we recommend giving no more than the points equivalent of a dollar. Remember: the amount of points you choose to give should reflect how much money you’d be willing to pay for customers to add a photo to their review.

Set how often members can be rewarded

Reviews are most effective when shoppers see them as honest and organic. The last thing that you want is members reviewing products just to receive points.

You can avoid this problem by limiting the number of times a customer can leave a photo review in a certain time period. This ensures that every review is real and honest, making sure that your user generated content is valuable for new and existing customers alike.

Suggest the next Smile App

We’re excited to add Loox to our growing list of Smile Apps, and are looking forward to expanding our growing list of exciting reward apps!

If you have a suggestion on how to improve this app or want to see another app added, please fill out our app suggestion form.